Well, hello there!

Welcome to the Raid Secrets blog. News site? Not sure yet, but we'll figure it out. We're going to go over a few things in this post, mostly of what this website is going to be and what's going in with Raid Secrets as a whole.

We'll start with what this blog is supposed to be.


Raid Secrets has recently become very popular, and we love to see the growth and excitement that has come with the new members. What we aren't particularly fans of is some of the more, shall we say, explosive behavior that has arisen. The Discord mods have had to do some work rearranging channels and keeping Sweeper tuned, so this blog aims to cover some of that in the future.

That kind of material will include some things like:

  • Discord server management statistics
    • Active user numbers
    • Channel engagement
    • Moderation action summaries
  • Subreddit metrics
    • Similar to the things for Discord, just for reddit!
  • Changes to moderator statuses
  • Community effort coordination
    • Resource organization
    • Status updates
    • Recaps/guides

Now, none of that sweet sweet content is promised, nor is it the limitation of what this blog will be for. Just spitballing some things that we'd like to bring out of the shadows and into the light of the greater community.


We've got a lot of members - 279 thousand on the subreddit, and 36 thousand on Discord at the time of writing this. As a result, we see a lot of content and traffic. This past week we saw some discussion arise around some IRB glitches, leak debates, last exit's revival, and more. We've had some funny memes and some noteworthy accomplishments - but we're not going to get into those here. 

We plan to start doing weekly or monthly content highlights and recaps of the people within the community who have done some notable things, from new strategies to popular posts. Some people in Discord have already coined this as the "TWAR" - so we'll see where that goes. The current idea is to send one out on Thursdays, in the morning before the TWAB comes out, so that people have something to read and interact with while the interest pot continues to boil over with anticipation for new Bungie announcements.

For now, that's all I have to share. We look forward to sharing our future with the horde... I mean masses, as we continue to grow together. We've hopefully got a lot of exciting content coming up in the future, with the end of August rapidly approaching. 

In the mean time, you've got a few more days to finish up your solstice armor before we get to the Epilogue of Season of the Splicer. I know that's not saying a lot, but hey, the future could be a blind well of infinite potential.

See you starside,
- Parisito

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